Monday, April 14, 2008

No thanks, I'll drive

This video is funnier the 2nd time around. Aren't you glad you don't live in Japan and have to take mass transit during rush hour?


azufelt said...

I think Gretchen could vouch for the fact that it is REALLY like that! I mean, I never had a guard helping to pile us on, but the other riders were doing a good enough job of sardine-ing us all on! That's gotta be some kind of fire hazard or soemthing!

chelon:) said...

now that would suck :) no wonder they are all skinny!!

G said...

So yah, I wish I could laugh at this, but I think I was on that train. This really could be a video of one train ride I took week before last. At least I was taller than most of the people so I got a little space around my face! Another plus is that you don't have to stress about pick-pockets, or else it would be truly unbearable ;)

Jeannie said...

Hi! :) HAPPPPPPYYYYYYYYYYY BIRTTTTTTTTTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Natalie said...

I have never seen anything like that before! That's crazy!!
I really like your blog. I can't believe how much Mara has grown! She is such a's been a long time since I have seen her. Have a good day!