Cam started Kindergarden yesterday. He was very excited to take his new red backpack and his Speed Racer lunchbox. His teacher Mrs. Canales is very nice and has been teaching at his school for 7 years. They seem to have hit it off right away. I'm sad that our little guy is growing up, but know he's going to do great. He has been doing "homework" all summer (its mostly pre-K workbook stuff) so I guess he's ready to do it for real now. He keeps telling me that "in school you have a lot of homework". Who knows who told him that- maybe he learned it from me! So far, his favorite part of the day was going to the caffeteria to eat his lunch. I packed some oreos for his desert which he thought was awesome. He has PE sometime this week, as well as music time. I'll keep everyone posted on his progress!
What teacher wouldn't love this kid with those big brown eyes? I've only heard good things about Mrs. Canalas so I'm sure he will do great!
Poor Cam. He doesn't realize that the next 15+ years of his life will be full of homework.
What a big day for you both! I am sure he will do great. How are you holding up? Was it tough? I'm pretty sure I will be a mess when that day comes.
what a good looking boy!! i am sure that he will do great in school! kindergarten can be so exciting!
I doesn't seem like that long ago that I left my little girl with a kindergarten teacher. Because we moved to a different state, she had three teachers that year. Here it is a short time later and a couple of side tracks and she is in her second year of nursing school. Hang on because Cam will be done before you are ready.
I just figured out how to comment! I can't believe Cam is growing up so fast. Honestly Sara, enjoy every second because before you know it.... well.... he'll be moving to Seattle with his girlfriend! HA!
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