Friday, October 3, 2008

Monkey See Monkey Do

Mara is forever copying Cam. She repeats what he says and mimics his every move. Cam came home and demonstrated to me the art of push-ups. He has been doing them in PE at school. Mara, always eager to participate had her own interpretation.


Bart said...

THAT was funny. Very nice form.

Strong Family - said...

Awesome. I love how Mara's bum goes up as Cam's goes down and vice versa. :-)

JAMIE said... figured out how to get it on. I love it - kids are too great!!! :)

chelon:) said...

too cute!! i definitely like the butt in the air form :) that is how i do them...oh wait, i can't do them!

was that mara counting that high? if so, amazing! she must be learning tons in her daycare :)

Unknown said...

This is way funny. Did you notice that Cam is a typical male, he does 10 push ups but when you ask "How many did you do?" he says 20. Now where did he learn to exaggerate his physical ability?

azufelt said...

I forgot to post this when I first saw the video... I watched it and Madison was in here, and when she saw Cam, she started holloring to him, and waving... I think she thought he was on the webcam. It actually made me a little sad. I can't believe how long ago it was that they were friends and she still remembers him!