Monday, October 20, 2008

You've Gotta Draw a Line Somewhere

Warning: the following video contains content about breastfeeding. If you're a man, you probably don't want to hear it.
I'd like to know what others think about this lady who believes children should choose when to be weaned from breastfeeding. Luckily, I wasn't faced with any dilema since my kids stopped around 8 months. This lady has really taken it a step further.


Janssen said...

I watched this video earlier this year and nearly died when the older girl was talking about how GOOD it tastes. Bleh.

Strong Family - said...

Oh my...

Kimberly said...

Seriously? Seriously.

Sheyenne said...

Yuck. I am a total breastfeeding advocate. It provides a baby the best possible nutrition and defenses against illness. This however, is just gross. There is no nutritional need for it. I don't care if she still wants it or not. My kids want to eat candy multiple times a day. That doesn't mean I let them.

Tammy said...

Well my goal will be to surpass her. S is 7 and still holding strong.

Melinda said...

I'm speechless. I am seriously grossed out. Especially by the whole relationship these kids have with the breasts..."trapping them in the bra"...WTH?!?!?

chelon:) said...

seriously...disgusting and wrong.

JAMIE said...

That's crazy, but if it works for them - so be it. I didn't see them doing it in public. I guess I'd rather see kids have a relationship with their mom's breasts than think of all the kids out there who have no relationship with their mom's at all.

Sarah said...

Would she still be doing it if they were boys, I wonder? Have you seen 'Baby Mama'? 7 years is a little long for me. 1 year is a little long for me, but I do it because I know how good it is for them and myself.

Corrine said...

oh my goodness...that is just crazy.