Tuesday, December 9, 2008

End of the Semester

Hip, Hip, Horray!! I took my final today and am done with level 3!

It's been an interresting semester of nursing school- filled with lectures and clinical days all about labor, delivery and pediatrics. Coming into the start of the school year I knew I would most likley enjoy the L&D segment, but didn't think I'd enjoy Pediatrics nearly as much as I did. In fact, I'm considering working in a pediatric setting after graduation. Anyone who knows me really well is probably laughing right about now....ok get over it. People change, and yes, there was a time that I didn't want kids and even stated I didn't like kids all that much, but that's not the case now.

I love taking care of these little boys and girls!! Maybe working in primary has something to do with it? I'm not sure. All I know is that I'm one step closer to knowing what I want to do as a nurse when I graduate in May.

Thanks to all of you that have been my personal cheerleaders as I have labored through these past 3 semesters of school. Without your love and support and encouragement, I would have been tempted to give up at times.

My 4th and final semester of nursing school starts in January. I'm looking forward to getting this over with. I feel like I've been in school forever. Actually, it's only been a couple of years, but still. It's not that fun sometimes. Until then, I'm taking some time to read for fun, relax with my family in NM, and spend time with my kiddos.

Now I can take a deep breath and relax...


Holly and Brad said...

Good for you Sara! You have been working so hard and you are sooo close to being done. I bet that feels good--seeing light at the end of the tunnel. I think you would be great in pediatrics--no laughing here.

Last semester here we come!

How long will you be in NM? We need to hang out before you leave!

Janssen said...

You always seem so calm; I can hardly remember that you're a full-time student.

And there is nothing better than finishing school. I'm enjoying my second day of being done for the semester.

Liz said...

Congrats Sara!

Jeannie said...

WOOO HOOOO!! I thought about you all morning, hope it was a breeze!!!

I can't wait until your last semester! I think you'd be awesome at any field you picked but my top votes are L&D and Peds :)

Anonymous said...

oooh... can we scrapbook now?

chelon:) said...

yeah!!! congrats girl :)

i can't wait until you can come over and diagnose all my kids when i have a problem :) that's what friends are for right??

love you!

Kimberly said...

That is awesome Sara. Congratulations now and in May! Good luck with the last semester, but enjoy the holidays!