Sunday, November 1, 2009
Monday, August 31, 2009
Gettin' All Crafty
I have come upon a problem since graduating in May. I just don't know what to do with myself sometimes! For those of you with endless schedules of running to this lesson or that, baking goodies as the homeroom mom for your child's class or sponsoring a mommy's-day-out group, all while trying to keep your house clean- don't be haters. I have lots of things I should be doing, just haven't been motivated to do them as often as I should...
Out of that has sprouted my latest series of craft projects. I did some scrapbooking, made some cards, and then...decided to take up sewing again. I went through a sewing phase some time back and produced several quilts that are now being used as absolutley nothing in a rubbermaid tote in the spare bedroom closet.
Almost First Day of School
The first week was a bit rough. On Tuesday, the first day of school, Cam was complaining of not feeling very well but I figured it was the nerves talking. Mara and I took him to school, walked in with him and left without any hesitation. He was very excited to see some old friends and meet new ones. I drove directly to Mara's daycare/pre-school where she attends on Tuesday and Thursdays. After she was settled in I was homefree!!! I couldn't wait to do something alone, so I went and ran a few errands. Exciting, I know.
Cam needed to stay home until his fever had been gone for 24 hours, so he missed the second day of school, too. Fortunatley, the first week of 1st grade isn't too heavy on homework, so he doesn't have make-up to do.
Thursday and Friday were normal, with him up and out the door bright and early. He is looking forward to this new year; learning new things and meeting new friends. His teacher seems to be really great. I like her a lot. Since I'm out of school now, I hope to have more time to participate in Cam's classroom. There are always lots of jobs for moms to do there.
Today we started week two and things seem to be just fine. I hope the rest of the year goes well!!

Thursday, August 27, 2009
On my way back to the blogosphere...
Acutally, I just made Mara a new outfit, so as soon as I have pics of it, I'll post them.
Until then, have a good day!!!
Thursday, June 4, 2009
I forgot to mention that I graduated....Here are som pics from the big day. I have to take the state boards on June 11th, then will be an official RN!!!
Thanks to my friends that attended the ceremony, and of course my family who was also able to attend. It was great having us all together for a few days.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Congrats Justin!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Anything for a Buck
Me: Cam, we need to work on scooping up this poop.
Cam: No way! I'm not gonna do it!
Mara: poop is gwoss.
Me: Skyler does it at his house. His mommy pays him money to do it.
Cam: She gives him dollars? I'll do it if you give me some money. I'll do anything for money. Anything at all. Except walk in hot lava. I will not walk on lava. That can kill you. I wouldn't go in a volcano hole, either.
So, I guess he has his limits...
Monday, March 9, 2009
Friday, March 6, 2009
The Golden Apple Award- Excellence in Teaching

Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Our Growing Family
Mara made me laugh the other day. She says stuff that makes me laugh all the time, but this incident would be pretty funny to anyone, in my opinion. She and Cam were watching Disney channel the other day when I walked by and stopped. This is what I saw on the screen.

In case you are unfamilliar with this teenie-bopper, her name is Hannah Montana. She's has her own tv show, line of clothing, etc. Anyways, I walk by and see the kids watching her in concert on TV and know who it is but ask them just to see if they know.
"What are you guys watching?" I say.
"Hannah Montana." Is Cam's reply. (picture him staring into the TV without so much as turning his head to acknowledge me.)
Then little miss Muffet (as I refer to Mara) pipes up "Thats my sista!"
So you see, our family is now growing into one that includes pop stars. I didn't know I had such talented children...
Monday, February 16, 2009
I saw this video on Kristi's blog, and laughed so hard I wanted to share it with you on my blog. I love how this dad really uses his resources!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Revision to Previous Plan
At our home I have made a concious effort to use language that is more along the lines of what a mature adult would say- maybe what your doctor might call the nether regions of your body. You know...the given anatomical labels.
There are those of you who know this about our family, and have heard a funny story or two of my child speaking of his "privates" in a blunt manner using said label without realizing it might not be accepted by all. Because of this, I have revised my origional plan of staying strict on the anatomical labeling.
The revised plan now includes instructions to my children that they are to refer to their genitals as "privates" or "private parts" when discussing them in public. Don't get me wrong, they don't go around spouting off random remarks about them. It just so happens that when you're young and discovering the world around you there are lots of questions to ask and statements to make. Mara hasn't been the one to inspire the revised plan, if you know what I mean. Cam is the scientist of our two children.
I guess we have to improvise as parents. That's what I've come to learn,anyway! I really love this part about parenting, because it means I don't have to be perfect. Good thing, too, because I'm not by a long shot.
There might be another post to come about my discussion with Cam about where babies live before they're born. Interesting story. He really "gets it" (on a 6-year old level).
What revisions to your parenting plan have you made? Or better yet, do you have a plan? Do share!
Saturday, February 7, 2009
I did it!!!
So after a little thinking and reading like 2 lines of instructions, here is the video I mentioned. I still like the song in case you were wondering.
Friday, February 6, 2009
Rock N Roll
I tried to embed the video, but lack the necessary skilz to do so.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
My Son's Honesty
It has come to my attention that I too, must put some effort into losing some weight this year. The final clue or straw that broke the camel's back, so to speak was a funny conversation that I had with Cam tonight.
Let me set the scene for you. I'm slouched on the couch watching TV. Cam walks up and places his hand on my not-so-flat stomach and we have the following conversation:
CAM: Mommy, are we going to have a baby?
ME: What?
CAM: Are you going to have a baby?
ME: No, why did you ask?
CAM: Because your tummy keeps getting fatter.
ME: No, It's not a baby. It's just chubby.
CAM: Are you sure?
ME: Yes, I'm sure.
CAM: Maybe you should go to the Dr. and check.
Now, in addition to talking to me, he is rubbing and squishing his hand in my abdomen to make sure there's nothing in there of interest.
CAM: I think I feel the lump.
ME: No you don't. Quit squishing my fat.
So, I guess I better do something about this. I have been thinking about going back to the gym or Weight Watchers. I'm not sure yet. At any rate, it's pretty evident that I need to do something! I just think it's hillarious that Cam noticed.