Monday, August 31, 2009

Gettin' All Crafty

I have come upon a problem since graduating in May. I just don't know what to do with myself sometimes! For those of you with endless schedules of running to this lesson or that, baking goodies as the homeroom mom for your child's class or sponsoring a mommy's-day-out group, all while trying to keep your house clean- don't be haters. I have lots of things I should be doing, just haven't been motivated to do them as often as I should...

Out of that has sprouted my latest series of craft projects. I did some scrapbooking, made some cards, and then...decided to take up sewing again. I went through a sewing phase some time back and produced several quilts that are now being used as absolutley nothing in a rubbermaid tote in the spare bedroom closet.

Another time, when I was pregnant with Mara, I made a couple of little summer dresses. That was fun (in a sort of torturous way),  but after having her and then going to school for the past 2 years, I just didn't have the time or desire to sew anymore. Last week I decided to make her an outfit after being inspired by some boutique clothes I saw online. Here is the result:
It wasn't very hard, actually, just time consuming. It took me much longer than it will the next time I do it, mostly because I did a lot of things by trial and error. In my excitement to get going on the first outfit, I purchased some other fabric that will work for making another. When it's turned inside out it isn't pretty at all, but put it on Mara and the imperfections dissapear under her smile. 


Sheyenne said...

Really really cute Sara. I so wish I could sew.

Ralphie said...

Hmm, Sara. That is amazing! I've forgotten how good you are at sewing. I love LOVE this outfit.

We have a deal!

Holly and Brad said...

Look at you gettin all crafty and stuff! You go girl! Miss seeing you...we need to fix that ;)

Jamee said...

Wow! So cute! You are amazing!! I remember loving looking at your latest quilting projects and bags that you were sewing back when I first met you :)

Strong Family - said...

That is adorable! Totally looks like it came from a boutique. I never knew you could sew! :-) Laureee

Tammy said...

That is sooo cute! I Can't wait to see what you do with the Fabric I gave you...

Liz said...

Wow Sara! That is amazing. I'll have to bum that pattern off of you...which one is it? Cate absolutely needs that outfit now!

Janssen said...

My word, could your children be any cuter?

And that dress is amazing! Good work.

Anonymous said...

So it.

Bonnie said...

Man, I am so impressed! I love it! I thought when I saw the picture that it was a picture of what you wanted to do. I can't believe how big Mara is!!! It seems like yesterday that we took her to get bbq and she still wasn't potty trained!

chelon:) said...

so so cute!! i want one :)

Kimberly said...

Can we say talented? Darling outfit! Sweet Love and Sugar Britches would be a good place for you to get more ideas to keep up those sewing skills! Just incase you needed more.

Anonymous said...

I found you. So glad you blog. I sure hope my sister is taking care ya. Hope all is well. Email me so i can invite you to my blog. Good to see ya.

Talk to ya soon. Brooke Jeppson