Mara made me laugh the other day. She says stuff that makes me laugh all the time, but this incident would be pretty funny to anyone, in my opinion. She and Cam were watching Disney channel the other day when I walked by and stopped. This is what I saw on the screen.

In case you are unfamilliar with this teenie-bopper, her name is Hannah Montana. She's has her own tv show, line of clothing, etc. Anyways, I walk by and see the kids watching her in concert on TV and know who it is but ask them just to see if they know.
"What are you guys watching?" I say.
"Hannah Montana." Is Cam's reply. (picture him staring into the TV without so much as turning his head to acknowledge me.)
Then little miss Muffet (as I refer to Mara) pipes up "Thats my sista!"
So you see, our family is now growing into one that includes pop stars. I didn't know I had such talented children...
SHE'S TALKING!?!?!!?! I can't believe that, when I left she was just mumbling! She wasn't supposed to keep growing up when we left!
So funny!! She is so freaking cute!
I hope your celebrity daughter is sharing her great wealth with you. I mean, it's the least she can do for her dear mother.
I was so ticked when i read your title and thought wow, I just talked to her and she didn't happen to mention this!!!!
If your kids ever need help obsessing on Hannah Montana, drop them off over here - we have HM pillows, blankets, movies, cd's, life size vinyl.... help!!!!!!!!!
love it!! maybe someday she will be making you tons of money as one of those teeny-bopper celebrities! she has the personality :)
Did you not think that people read your blog? You always seem to have lots of comments....BTW- I just showed my sister in law your blog the other day about the stay at home dad working out (she has two little ones at home and I told her that she can work out from home).....I like the part about the "onesie"....funny!
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