Monday, August 31, 2009

Gettin' All Crafty

I have come upon a problem since graduating in May. I just don't know what to do with myself sometimes! For those of you with endless schedules of running to this lesson or that, baking goodies as the homeroom mom for your child's class or sponsoring a mommy's-day-out group, all while trying to keep your house clean- don't be haters. I have lots of things I should be doing, just haven't been motivated to do them as often as I should...

Out of that has sprouted my latest series of craft projects. I did some scrapbooking, made some cards, and then...decided to take up sewing again. I went through a sewing phase some time back and produced several quilts that are now being used as absolutley nothing in a rubbermaid tote in the spare bedroom closet.

Another time, when I was pregnant with Mara, I made a couple of little summer dresses. That was fun (in a sort of torturous way),  but after having her and then going to school for the past 2 years, I just didn't have the time or desire to sew anymore. Last week I decided to make her an outfit after being inspired by some boutique clothes I saw online. Here is the result:
It wasn't very hard, actually, just time consuming. It took me much longer than it will the next time I do it, mostly because I did a lot of things by trial and error. In my excitement to get going on the first outfit, I purchased some other fabric that will work for making another. When it's turned inside out it isn't pretty at all, but put it on Mara and the imperfections dissapear under her smile. 

Almost First Day of School

First day of First grade came and went without any "before" pics. Mike had my good camera, and my other was MIA, so Cam got off to school without any. Luckily, in his classroom, another mother was snapping photos of all the kids with their new teacher, Ms.Fuchs (pronounced Fox). So, eventually I will have some first school pictures of Cam, but for now, this will have to do.

The first week was a bit rough. On Tuesday, the first day of school, Cam was complaining of not feeling very well but I figured it was the nerves talking. Mara and I took him to school, walked in with him and left without any hesitation. He was very excited to see some old friends and meet new ones. I drove directly to Mara's daycare/pre-school where she attends on Tuesday and Thursdays. After she was settled in I was homefree!!! I couldn't wait to do something alone, so I went and ran a few errands. Exciting, I know.

10:30 rolls around and I recieve a phone call from Ms.Clara, the school nurse reporting Cam has a fever of 102.5 and has thrown up. Great. I went to pick my poor little guy up, came home and he layed down for most of the day. There were a few episodes of nausea, another vommitting, and then it was time to go get Mara. I made Cam hold a bowl in his lap just in case something came up....

Cam needed to stay home until his fever had been gone for 24 hours, so he missed the second day of school, too. Fortunatley, the first week of 1st grade isn't too heavy on homework, so he doesn't have make-up to do.

Thursday and Friday were normal, with him up and out the door bright and early. He is looking forward to this new year; learning new things and meeting new friends. His teacher seems to be really great. I like her a lot. Since I'm out of school now, I hope to have more time to participate in Cam's classroom. There are always lots of jobs for moms to do there.

Today we started week two and things seem to be just fine. I hope the rest of the year goes well!!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

On my way back to the blogosphere...

I have every intention of updating this blog very soon. I just need to think of something good to write about...
Acutally, I just made Mara a new outfit, so as soon as I have pics of it, I'll post them.

Until then, have a good day!!!