Monday, April 21, 2008

Green Street

I did some edging on the lawn today. I usually enjoy yard work, so Mike graciously lets me do it mostly by myself. Today as I was using my multitude of cool lawn machinery, a question arose. I've asked this question of myself several times, but have never come up with a definite answer. Where does the grass go when it gets "blown" away with the blower? Secondly, how do the lawn service guys get it to disperse so nicely? I don't even know if it's considered bad manners to blow your little clippings out into the street. I just do it because that's what the "professionals" do! I made sure to avoid blowing everything into my neighbor's driveway. The funny thing is that I think I should have just used a broom instead of my gas-powered 70 MPH wind generating blower. The end result of my attempt is a clean driveway and sidewalk, but there's a green tint to the street out in front of the house. Hopefully it will be breezy tomorrow so it will be less obvious what I did.


azufelt said...

That's an interesting thought... I've wondered before if it's bad manners... because I actually think it is. But up in RR we had a street sweep come by about twice a month in the summer, and I just figured he picked it all up for us.

Here.... I don't see other people even blow their trimmings, only us, so it's probably extra rude!

Sheyenne said...

I TOTALLY feel you. I try to use the blower and I always feel like I'm not doing it right. I try to blow the clippings into the street and then into the drainage hole thing that's in front of my house, but for the life of me I just can't get them all in, or even most of them in there.

Justin said...

I always thought that the clipping from mowing get picked up by the mower, and the clippings from edging get blown back toward the lawn. Isn't it mostly dirt anyway? Maybe I'm wrong.

Kimberly said...

Honestly, haven't given much thought to this one. I'm one to hope it is a windy day and that will do the trick!

Sara said...

Apparently, Justin, you have not done much yard work in your few years.(not counting the time spent doing work back home in the country). There is a considerable ammount of grass that is cut away from the lawn with the weedeater...You should come see firsthand sometime. :)

Jeannie said...

K... Justin is actually right in my book! :) In the past 2 houses that we've lived in subdivisions in, our lawn guys would first edge and THEN mow so that it primarily goes up into the mulch bag of the mower and then they blow whatever is missed back into the yard if it's not a lot or they blow it into a pile in the street (back when I didn't live on a HIGHWAY) and then they sweep it up and put it in a yard clipping bag(s).
